Climate Change Data
This section presents key data, and figures related to the climate, greenhouse gas, and climate change vulnerability indices to help users to understand climate change in Rwanda.
Climate Change in Rwanda
Rwanda has experienced a temperature increase of 1.4°C since 1970, higher than the global average, and can expect an increase in temperature of up to 2.0°C by the 2030s from 1970.
Rwanda is experiencing increased rainfall extremes. Rainy seasons are becoming shorter and more intense, especially in the northern and western provinces.
Climate Change Impact
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Livestock produced 3332.2 Gg CO2 emissions, while the Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions sources produced 966.79 Gg CO2 eq
Waste sector generated 917.16 Gg CO2 eq in 2018, in which solid waste are the most emitting sub sector at 446.39 Gg CO2 eq in 2018
Energy contributed 34.86 % of 2,630.1 Gg CO2 eq, which is the total greenhouse gases in 2018, Transport produced 1,344.5 Gg CO2 eq
The Industrial Process and Product Use in 2018 produced 151.41 Gg CO2 eq in which cement production contribute 134.90 Gg CO2 eq
Climate Change Dashboard
The dashboard presents the summary of total greenhouse gas emissions and removals that was estimated for the period 2006-2018, and it presents the average of vulnerability indices in Rwanda (Adaptative capacity, exposure, sensitivity, impact, and vulnerability indices). Moreover, the map shows the vulnerability index in each district of Rwanda.
Climate Vulnerability Index