Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy

Due to the faster than predicted impact of climate change there was a need to revise Rwanda's Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy (GGCRS). The revised strategy aims to guide national policy and planning in an integrated way, mainstream climate change into all sectors of the economy, and position Rwanda to access international climate funding and green investment.

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Strategic Objectives

  1. To achieve energy security and low carbon energy supply that supports the development of green industry and services and avoids deforestation.
  2. To achieve sustainable land use and water resource management that results in food security, appropriate urban development and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  3. To ensure social protection, improved health and disaster risk reduction that reduces vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Areas of Revision

The areas of significant revision and updates in the latest strategy include:

  1. Rwanda’s Development Pathway
  2. Thematic Programme Areas
  3. Enabling Pillars
  4. Implementation Roadmap

Programmes of Action
