Strengthening Meteo Rwanda’s Weather and Climate Services

The project aimed to improve the range of weather and climate information available to inform decision making in Rwanda, and promoting its understanding and application.


3 years



Source of funds

Rwanda Green Fund (FONERWA)

Implementing organisation

Meteo Rwanda

Contact Person

Mr Didace Musoni


Division Manager at Rwanda Meteorological Agency




Project Outcomes

  • Processes and techniques for the identification of demand-led weather and climate information, and for promoting its understanding and appropriate application, developed and being implemented at central, district and sub-district levels.
  • Improved capacity at Meteo Rwanda to design, produce and verify weather and climate information and products, based on sound science
  • Increased access to weather and climate information to users through a range of communication channels.
  • Development and implementation of a framework for project evaluation, which incorporates a programme of research (including robust economic analysis), awareness-raising and sharing of project learning.

Climate Action Plan

Robust observed climate data for Rwanda are crucial to understanding the current and future impacts of climate change and developing scenarios to assess the potential adaptation strategies for Rwanda. For the Nationally Determined Contribution, the climate data will help in adaptation priorities that require climate and weather information such as agriculture, disaster response, water resource management, human settlement and health.

Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy

Programme of Action

Programme 14: Climate Data and Projections

  • Enhancing climate data collection
  • Enhance the use of climate data in disease prevention and mitigation programmes